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Distinguished Alumni Award

Since 2014, Wyomissing Area Education Foundation (WAEF) has recognized an alumnus or alumna of the Wyomissing Area School District who has made great achievements and has loyally served the community. The district includes West Reading High School and Wyomissing High School, currently named Wyomissing Area High School.


Distinguished Alumni Award Recipients:

  • 2023-2024- The Gage Family 

  • 2022-2023 - Corbett Babb

  • 2021-2022 - Rachel Kuhn

  • 2020-2021 - Sharon Luyben

  • 2019-2020 - Helene Zintak

  • 2018-2019 – David M. Kozloff

  • 2017-2018 – Barbara Homsher

  • 2016-2017 – John Rothenberger

  • 2015-2016 – Carolyn Holleran

  • 2014-2015 – Edward Kuhn


Dr. Corbett Babb, WREC Principal and member of the Class of 1988

2023 Distinguished Alumni Award Winner, Dr. Corbett Babb

Highlights of Corbett’s accomplishments include: 

Corbett is a 1988 graduate of Wyomissing Area HS, Ithaca College, Shippensburg University and Widener University where he received his doctorate in educational leadership.


He has served the District since 1994 as a physical education teacher, football coach, dean of students, and JSHS assistant principal prior to appointment as WREC Principal for the past 14 years.


In 2016, Corbett was recognized by the National Institute of School Leadership as one of 13 Pennsylvania Distinguished Principals.


Corbett has consistently stepped forward to help all Spartans succeed – from his early work as facilitator for student council and foreign exchange student clubs to recent work hosting the District’s first Pre-K program and the Olivet Boys and Girls Club at WREC. 


Most importantly, Corbett and his wife Natalie have celebrated a life together here in the Wyomissing Area Community - raising sons Ryan, Gavin and Nolan as Wyo Area graduates.


Corbett is an example of an alumnus who has taken the lessons learned as a student here, and applied them to provide a lifetime of service and support for generations of Spartans. 


WAEF was proud to honor Corbett at the 2023 Blue & White Party at the Reading Public Museum.


Selection Criteria

Qualified award candidates will meet the following criteria:

  • A graduate of the Wyomissing Area School District (or West Reading High School, prior to the merger of the West Reading and Wyomissing school systems)

  • A person generally recognized as someone with strong moral and ethical character.

  • Someone who has demonstrated one or more of the following:

  • Outstanding professional success

  • A record of involvement and support of activities within the WASD schools

  • A commitment to education, students and/or youth

  • A history of generously donating his/her time, talents or treasures to social programs, not-for-profit organizations and/or community activities.

  • A history of involvement with not-for-profit organizations.

WAEF Distinguished Alumni Nomination Form


What significant accomplishments has the nominee achieved since graduating from Wyomissing Area School District (or West Reading High School, prior to the merger of the West Reading and Wyomissing school systems)


In the box below, please provide details as to his/her academic recognition, community service, volunteerism, special honors or awards.

Why do you believe that this person should be considered for nomination as one of WAEF’s Distinguished Alumni?


When responding, please consider the nominee’s reputation, status, and prestige in his/her chosen career.

Thanks for submitting your nomination!

Did you graduate from Wyomissing? 

Please complete this quick survey to help us keep our alumni records up to date!

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610-374-0739 x 1171

Find us: 

630 Evans Avenue, Wyomissing PA 19610

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Wyomissing Area Education Foundation (WAEF) is a registered non-profit organization (EIN 23-2826088).

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